Coming from the big city, once I mention New York in my travels, everyone goes crazy. They are über excited to meet someone who comes from the States, worked for NBC right at the heart of New York. Many die to do what I did, work the job that I had, but it's quite sad when I wish to live the simple life that they life, do as they do. In fact, New York is such a hustle and bustle place that people focus more on the money than their dreams sometimes. We get so suckered into the norm of the big city lifestyle that it starts to control us and shape our lives. This of course, is not true for everyone, but what is the percentage of you who:
1. Become a bit more greedy - It goes without saying that New York is the place that determines our fate. If you make it in New York, you can make it anywhere in the world. For this very reason, we being go chase the money and the fame. As we begin to receive some kind of recognition, we crave for more. We want to be at the top of the ladder, even if that means having to sacrifice other things in life. These things can start to get out of control, change who we are as people which then starts to mold our lives.
2. Spend less time with those who matter - One of the things we sacrifice for our life in New York is time. We get so caught up in "projects" and work that we begin the jeapordize the amount of time we spend with others. Often, many of us neglect our significant others because we have to stay late at the office, work on the weekends which gradually begins to tear apart a wonderful relationship. This is not limited to significant others, but also to friends and family which means sacrificing a bond.
3. Change over time - With the impact of the work field, changes in who we are will gradually come into effect as well. The stress that we experience will carry over to our personal life, sometimes bringing anger into relationships where it should not exist. We may be more easily aggravated by situations, finding it more difficult to find inner peace. We then find it is hard to practice patience which can result in a negative tear in relationships.
4. Forego your dreams - As people start to change in the workplace, they start to also change their state of mind. Many of us graduate college and jump into jobs as fillers for our dreams. Unfortunately, we tend to get caught up in these fillers and find it difficult to escape for various reasons, whether it be because of the money or security, it happens to many of all ages.
5. Succumb to the culture - Getting too comfortable and immersing oneself in the New York culture is one thing that holds many of us back. What I mean by this is the simple fact that most of us graduate and find a corporate job with good pay and insurance. We work from bottom up and hope to get recognized for the work that we do because America is such a "team" environment. The unfortunate is that we continue to follow the rules of the corporate culture without much understanding as to why we do so. This also goes for the classic 9 to 5 working hours that we are told we have, even if there isn't much work to do. This also accounts for the unspoken of working late when necessary and even on the weekends although it doesn't say that we are entitled to do so on paper. For those who do not follow these rules, it is projected on them that they are crazy, not bold, and risking everything they have.
6. Make excuses - For every wrong we are faced with, there's a reason why. There's always an excuse for something that goes wrong, for something we cannot explain. In fact, it is not just limited to excuses but blames as well. We carry over wrongs to blame someone else if possible, if we are about to get away with it. I wish I could say this is a low percentage of people, but unfortunately statistics show that people are likely to put the blame on someone else if the opportunity presents itself.
7. Become lazy - Now, we are not only going to make excuses at work, but we will start to make excuses for why we cannot attend events, why we are tired and why we need rest. Many of us will start to rest on the weekends and stray away from weekend activities, including hobbies. With a stressful and long work week, sometimes getting to sleep in on the weekend is already considered vacation. Unfortunately, we can start to become lonely and unhealthy individuals depending on the extent of laziness.
8. Take things for granted - One thing many people in New York do is take things for granted and we may not even realize we do. We do not have to worry about feeding the family because we have a stable job or we can collect unemployment and food stamps. We do not have to worry about housing because we can find two bedroom apartments for under two hundred a month should we need to. We do not have to worry about being sick because without insurance, we can still find some kind of healthcare.
In fact, many of us learn to abuse the system without considering the effect it has on others. We do not take into account that there really are people outside of America who struggle to just get fresh water, yet we complain about the taste of water. We do not take into account that a number of families are packed into a two bedroom apartments in order to survive. We do not take into account of the struggles of third world countries and complain about first world problems. I admit that I am one who falls under the category of all the above.
With that said, this years resolution is change for the better. We can honestly change the way this world works one step at a time as cliche as that sounds. As the saying goes, opening your eyes may be the hardest step. Conquer that and global change will come into affect.
Every year, we all make a New Years resolution, make it count for 2014.
From personal experience, my mother worked from early morning until my bed time and even on the weekends whether that was in the city or in the basement garage. There were months in a row that she didn't have a day off for the simple fact that she was rushing to complete numerous fashion shows at once. She still in fact does not have a day off, two years in a row already, she has been sent broad to work through Christmas and New Year. Nonetheless, although this super woman concentrated on the money for the family's sake, she managed to still find random family time fillers.
Our family time was at a minimal, mostly driving my brother and I to school in the mornings and having my grandfather driving the car back as she caught the bus to work. It definitely affected the time she spent with my brother and I but it took a while to realize the importance of her hard work that really paid off in the end. She never once complained about her work and really tried to do everything she can to open up a Sunday of family time. As I entered high school, the norm shifted and I would go to school earlier than needed just to have 30 minutes of bus time bonding with my mother.
Although my mother can be naive and oblivious to what is happening in the world, she has he kindest heart. She was never the one to tally how much she's done for others. She never took into account how much she sacrificed and gave up for the sake of others. She will donate everything that she can to help others, both time and money. She taught me to be grateful for what I have. She taught me to help others when in need. She taught me to be kind hearted because it does pay off in the end. She taught me the rights and wrongs. She taught me to be selfless. Unfortunately, it took two years of living alone to see all this.
Therefore this New Years blog of resolution and change is dedicated to my one super woman, my mother. Before you decide to do something, take a second to see how it will affect you not too long down the line.