It's that season where everyone wants to stay out as late as possible and so does the bugs. I don't know about you, but I am surely terrified of bugs. I get a big swollen bump when I am bit by a misquito, especially random bugs that I never know bite me until I'm in pain. This is the best time for me to go out and have fun, yet the worse time when sun-down comes. I am the one to fight with all my friends and hover over a lit candle that is supposed to keep the mosquitoes away. Unfortunately, that does not always happen because I still get bit! Sometimes I'll have to double up with a candle and bug spray, but I hate the sticky feeling of it and the fumes that I inhale when I'm spraying myself.
A DIY that feels a little more refreshing than bug spray and hovering over a candle like a statue: homemade bug spray. All you need is the orange Listerine that's probably hanging around your bathroom and water. Ah it feels refreshing, but be careful if you have a cut, it will burn! Then again, so does everything else you put on a cut. Simply shake it up in a spray bottle and mist away!
Another DIY misquito repellent that will help keep them away, yet attracting all the boys: lavender. Yes, the flower. All you have to do is rub a lavender behind your ears, your wrists, your neck, and anywhere else you really want to. Be careful to have too much of a lavender aroma, especially if someone is allergic!
Hope this will help you have a fun and bug free summer!
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