Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Life in Korea - Korean War Museum

One of the most important events in the history of Korea is the Korean War. Many of the times, you will hear your students speak about the Korean War along with several important dynasties throughout the history of Korea. The one that is constantly brought up and related to during class time is the Chosun dynasty. To be honest, I never really understood the significance of the event until visiting the War Museum this past weekend.

With three floors of exhibits, an outdoor exhibit of plane models along with a current science exhibit going on, the War Museum is a must visit. For starters, it is free of price unless you are going to see the special exhibits. Nonetheless, you are able to run around to learn through written and visual aspects. It is the best place to go and get a summary of Korea’s history, which is important, to many.

After visiting the museum, I feel a lot of pride and understand why Koreans feel the way they do towards the history of Korea. It was definitely a great insight that was needed after living here for over a year and a half. The best part about running around the museum in addition to the learning experience is the significance behind every piece that they have.

 It is definitely important to read the captions that they have for their statues and symbolic pieces. The creativity and reflection of each piece holds so much meaning that I was held captive for quite a while. I don’t deny the fact that I was touched a few times with a few of the exhibitions and movies, teary eyed practically.  I do suggest it to every that lives in Seoul.

In addition to all of the all of the significant meaning and history of Korea which sounds pretty boring, the exhibit incorporates technology in a new way. They offer 4D viewings and a handful of other things that should be kept a secret because it should be experienced personally! Do keep in mind that if you go on the weekend, you will be faced with a handful of  children running around as well. 

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