Friday, May 31, 2013

Beauty Pick Me Up - Skin Food Egg White Pore Mask

The Skin Food Egg White Pore Mask is loaded with albumin that consists of amino acids which is actually recommended for those with sensitive skin. It is a product that helps to close the pores of your skin and promote elasticity while retaining moisture. Being one of the best selling mask products at Skin Food, it was a definite pick me up to hopefully help promote clearer skin. On a fresh clean face, pack on a thick amount all over the face, avoiding the mouth and eye areas. After ten to fifteen minutes, simply wash off with lukewarm water. For those with extra sensitive skin, removing it within ten minutes is recommended. Even within ten minutes, those with sensitive skin may feel irritated and a red color which will diminish over time. After a few uses, the skin will adapt to the product and will not be as red as initial use. Within the first few uses, after washing off, a brighter skin is immediately visible. With use over time, the skin actually tightens. Be sure to use it at least three times a week, especially during the summer time to balance the sweat and oil retained on the skin from the hot weather. 

1 comment:

  1. SKINFOOD's Egg White Pore Mask is a pore-refining chemical with egg white concentrate that enters profoundly into pores to eliminate pore-stopping up oil. Subsequent to purifying, apply to the face, maintaining a strategic distance from the eye and mouth territory. Following 10-15 minutes, wash off completely with warm water.
