Monday, January 9, 2012

Prevent Wrinkles

We are all at that stage where aging is a problem. We were all naive at one point when our parents told us certain things to pay attention to because it will affect us in the future. Did we listen? No, of course not. What we now know is that we regret and we are spending tons of money on beauty products in order to maintain our beauty. A few ways to naturally and gradually decrease the appearance of wrinkles:
  • Swap coffee for hot chocolate. There may be a higher intake on calories, but coffee makes you all jittery inside which does not help your system when it comes to wrinkles. 
  • Sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back will have your face directly forward which reduces the stress and wrinkles that grow over time because you are putting against your face with the pressure of the pillow. Because you are sleeping, you are not aware of the pullings that you are making on your skin. 
  • Avoid squinting. This is the one tip that we received from our parents the very first day we watched TV. Those who are 40 and above have a harder time with reading and therefore squinting is a common practice. If needed, as unclassy and not cute as glasses look, please do yourself a favor and get a pair. You can even skip the glasses and go for contacts, but yes reduce the squinting to help protect your eyes.
  • Eat more fish and soy. Omega 3 fatty acids found in cold water fish such as salmon and tuna help to keep your skin young. It also helps to prevent other hear diseases and is absolutely great for women. Start early and eat healthy, you'll thank yourself later.
  • Wear sunscreen at all times. I stress the fact that you should wear sunscreen at all times because the sun is damaging. It can even penetrate through your glass windows and have an effect on your skin. It is important that the minute you go outside, you put on sunscreen. It is easier to protect than to reduce the size of a wrinkle so do yourself a little favor that can take less than a minute.
Stay young, stay beautiful. 

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