Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Product Review - Tony Moly Hug Me Hair Removal Cream

Equivalent to the American Nair product that is difficult to find in Korea, either that or it is extremely overpriced, like many other American products, the Tony Moly Hug Me Hair Removal Cream is one product that works as a hair removal cream. Used the same way the Nair product is used by washing the area with hair to be removed and pat dried, glide on the cream and leave on for 5-10 minutes and wash off. Scent just like the Nair product, but the only bonus is the blue scraper that helps to scrape off the remaining product and remove hair. Although this product is originally priced for $7, Tony Moly occasionally has sales where you can pick up this product for half the price. No better way to safe on money than picking up a product on sale!

1 comment:

  1. one amongst the foremost common ways in which to get rid of hair is by mistreatment hair removal cream. Hair removal cream will be effective, however it's costly and needs to be done often, for more information click here men waxing.
