Monday, October 3, 2011

Makeup Review - Cover FX

I recently discovered Cover FX, a pricey but great makeup line created by dermatologists who understand the difficulty and strives to have clear skin, without the use of makeup. This corrective makeup is half skin care product, half makeup which helps to improve your skin with wear this means any skin problems (psoriasis included). It is absolutely amazing and works wonders with the skin. With daily use, the skin will gradually clear to the point where it is flawless.

Aside from being an amazing product, it is the only makeup line I know that contains my natural color without having to mix. Cover FX offers a pink and yellow undertone mix because there are people, like me, who do not have a complete pink undertone, or a complete yellow. With that said, I am able to find a color that blends well with my skin and provides me with a more natural makeup. It blends completely well to hide any psoriasis marks I have on the face or any other part of the body, it just takes a bit of time.

I do have a few dislikes about this makeup which is the foundation being very thick. It takes a lot of blending out with a brush and I am not a fan of using a brush because I do not like streak marks and I feel brushes do not provide me with an even coverage. Aside from having to use the brush, I feel that blending takes a bit more time, especially if I want to hide a psoriasis marks, but it does hide extremely well. Product can even hide tattoos! In addition to the natural texture of the product, I had a problem with the concealer which comes off to be dark, but lightens as you blend. Because it required more blending than normally, I felt that the thick texture caused me to pull at my eyes and other areas a little too hard.

At the end of the day, I still have not found the right product that works with my face completely. I have found many products that compliment my skin and works well with it, Cover FX included. I do recommend, if you are interested in giving it a go, to pick up the Cover FX Clear Prep Primer which will also help clear up your skin. It works well with other products and I definitely replaced my all natural Korres primer for this. A bummer, but I absolutely love this line. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear good things about this and really want to try it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
